

Enhancing Cybersecurity at Healthcare Practices, Part 1

a bunch of blue locks with an orange one in the middle

The healthcare sector remains a prime target for cybercrime. The surge in healthcare data breaches that began at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic has shown no signs of abating, even as life has mostly returned to pre-pandemic conditions.

But it’s not just large hospitals and health systems that cybercriminals are focused on. Attacks against small and midsize healthcare practices are not only profitable for cybercriminals—they’re often far too easy to execute.

In the first section of this two-part eBook, we explain:

  • Why cybercriminals are targeting healthcare.
  • Why small healthcare practices are particularly vulnerable.
  • The most prevalent cyberthreats that healthcare providers need to watch out for.

Download the eBook. And don’t miss part two, in which we explore HIPAA and PCI compliance, as well best practices for keeping your systems secure.

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