

Navigating Digital Healthcare Payments

Navigating Digital Healthcare Payments

Discover Our Suite of Contactless Payment Options

Offering a variety of digital, contactless payment methods enables greater in-office efficiency and safety, and can lead to increased cash flow and patient satisfaction.

From Apple Pay® to Text-to-Pay, digital payment acceptance equips practices for success. This e-book explores the ins and outs of contactless capabilities available through Practice Management Bridge®.

Learn how:

  • Rectangle Health expands digital payment acceptance, through our Practice Management Bridge platform and leading payment terminals, to ease payment workflows and help providers get paid faster.
  • Text-to-Pay with SMS payment links and QR codes offer patients convenience and drive more payments online.
  • Providers send more receipts and fewer statements when they use secure Card on File.
  • Digital wallets and tap-to-pay cards streamline payments in the office.

Let’s get started.

Why Offer a Variety of Digital Payment Options?

Patients have come to expect their providers to accept contactless payments, and even seek out or switch to those who do. Practice Management Bridge interfaces with all practice management systems to post payments to the patient ledger and, combined with an up-to-date payment terminal, enables offices to offer the following:

  • QR codes
  • Online payments
  • Text-to-Pay
  • Bulk Text-to-Pay for mass texting
  • Card on File
  • Mobile wallet and tap-to-pay card acceptance

Patients usually embrace contactless offerings immediately, but it’s important to proactively and consistently communicate with patients about new ways to pay and interact with your practice.

5 Top Ways to Capture Digital, Contactless Payments.


QR Codes


Online Payments




Digital wallets and tap-to-pay cards


Card on File

QR Codes

Practices that use the online payment portal through Practice Management Bridge receive a complimentary QR code. This QR code equips practices to create unlimited opportunities for patients to pay online. Add a QR code to your statements to give patients a direct way to pay from their phones. Display a QR code in your office to give patients a self-service payment option while they wait. The options are endless, and the payoff is significant.

See how it works:

  1. Open your smartphone’s camera.
  2. Point the camera over this sample QR code:
    Balance Collect QR Code
  3. Click Open on the pop-up message.

You’re taken to an example webpage for fast, secure payments.

QR codes e-book

Online Payments

Open 24/7, 365 days a year, online payment portals accommodate patients’ busy schedules and preference for convenience. Instead of limiting patients to mailed checks and calls during business hours, give patients the option to pay on their own time. Plus, online payment sites through Practice Management Bridge are mobile friendly for seamless payments start to finish right through your patients’ phones. Our online payment portals can be branded to match the look and feel of your practice website, and payment links are easy to add to your site with minimal IT involvement. Add a payment URL to statements, and share the link with patients through email and text message, and then sit back while payments come in.

PMB Online Payments e-book



Simply put, the easier it is to pay, the more likely patients are to pay on time. Text-to-Pay puts a convenient payment option right in the palms of their hands, helping practices receive payments days earlier and even the same day.

Efficient and effective, Text-to-Pay lets staff send patients a custom text message with their balance due and the online payment link. Bulk Text-to-Pay allows staff to send bulk text messages to patients with outstanding balances. On the patient side, that text message link goes straight to the online payment site, where their balance is prefilled for simple and accurate payment.

Mobile Desktop Message e-book


Digital Wallets and Tap-to-Pay Cards

Practices that have outdated card swipe devices add time to the checkout process and risk turning away payments. Patients want to pay for their healthcare the same way they pay retailers, with popular technology like Apple Pay, Google PayTM, Samsung Pay®, bank apps, and tap-to-pay cards. These payments are faster than swiping cards and involve no contact between staff and patients. With a modern payment terminal and Practice Management Bridge, practices offer every way patients want to pay and can say “yes” more often.

Tap-to-Pay e-book


Card on File

Having patients’ cards on file benefits practices in several ways, including by creating a faster checkout and a more effective collection workflow. Card on File in Practice Management Bridge includes pre-authorized healthcare forms that digitally capture the patient’s signed agreement. When a patient has an outstanding balance and a card on file, practices can simply charge the card on file and email the patient a receipt instead of mailing a statement.

Patient payment data is never kept on your premises or stored on your servers or computers. Instead, Practice Management Bridge stores all customer data in a secure, encrypted, electronic vault. The Vault gives practices the security of PCI, DSS, and HIPAA compliance, and your business is protected from the cost of fraud.

Card on File e-book



PMB Login

Digital payment technology from Rectangle Health can:

  • Drive more payments online and free staff up from taking phone payments.
  • Help practices receive payments days faster and avoid sending multiple statements.
  • Reduce time and error by auto-posting to the patient ledger.
  • Eliminate the need to enter PINs, capture signatures, and swipe cards.
  • Encourage patients to pay on time by making the payment process as simple as possible.
  • Help avoid contact with pens, card readers, and staff handling a physical payment method.

Practice Management Bridge implements quickly, easily, and remotely.
Request a demo today.


Get started today!

Thousands of providers like you supercharge their front office with Practice Management Bridge. Schedule a call to see how we can help reduce admin work, so you can focus on your patients.

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